Getting ready for college is about more then just picking out all of your classes and getting the money together to pay for your tuition. Most people find that this is the first time in their lives when they can be really independent and will live on their own away from their family. But, before you can start moving all of your things out of your bedroom at home you will need to choose which sort of living arrangements you will have while you're at school. Some options are a little more independent than others.

If you're still pretty far from being ready for your own home and want as little responsibility as possible when it comes to where you live, then you might want to look into staying in a residence. Most major colleges have their own housing and if they don't then you might be able to find an independent student housing complex near your school. Here you might get some of the same amenities that you would in new condo, like a gym or meeting rooms, but you will find that you're paying a little extra for them. You will also have all of your utilities already included.

Those that are going to some of the larger schools in North America might be able to find an apartment that is made for student living. Off campus housing will normally include hundreds of homes with three or four bedrooms available each year within walking distance of the campus. You can choose to find a home with a roommate or there are usually some basement apartments and units in high-rises for those that want to live alone. When you're looking at this style of real estate you will find that the prices depend on the closeness to school and the condition of the house or apartment unit.

There are some people who like their home to be a little away from school. They might find themselves an apartment in a different part of the city or could even choose to stay in their parent's place while they are studying. The living arrangements that you choose will depend on your personal preference, finances, and what is available in your area. This is something that could change from year to year while you're at school.

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